I wrote a book and a few magazine articles in 2012, which was a great experience. I still write a personal journal almost daily and am starting to get back into blogging. You can follow me below on medium.
My Blog: Always Moving Forward
I ran a wordpress blog from 2008-2012, but have since moved those posts to Medium.
My Top Post by Traffic
Smashing jQuery
After running a successful blog for a number of years I was approached by Wiley Publishing. They asked if I wanted to write a book on jQuery, I was intrigued. The book took about 3 months to write, I ended up with 300+ pages. It was an amazing experience.
The book was sold through all the outlets (Amazon, Barnes and Noble), and I sent the book to a few of my Web Developers idols at the time inlcuding John Resig (founder of jQuery) and Addy Osmani (one of the contributors).
- Published: February 8, 2011
- Publisher: John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
- Sales: Over 5k copies
- Buy @ Amazon

Web Designer Magazine
- Published: 2012
- Publisher: Imagine Publishing
- Issue: 199
I wrote an article on how to build a mobile site using Mobify and jQuery. It wasn't the cover story, but it was a small feature. Mobify was a sass based solution that allowed you to create a mobile compatible site by using their toolkit to rewrite the front-end. It was a great technology solution before Responsive design became popular. Mobify has since been purchased by SalesForce and rolled into their Digital Commerce offering.

Web Designer Magazine
- Published: 2012
- Publisher: Imagine Publishing
- Issue: 192
I wrote a segment on 20 tips using jQuery that was included in the Hot 100 Tips article, it was also featured on the cover.

Web Designer Magazine
- Published: 2012
- Publisher: Imagine Publishing
- Issue: 189
I wrote a jquery for designers article that was the featured cover story.